Information Event for Law Students from Munich and Bochum at the Goethe Institute Athens with the German Embassy and the DAAD

On the 25th of October 2023, Sabina Roussis, Ioannis Anagnostopoulos (Partner) and Dr Nikolaos Athanassiadis (Partner), lawyers of our firm, welcomed more than 60 trainee lawyers from Munich and Bochum and informed them about the profession of a German lawyer in Greece and about the parallels and differences between the German and Greek legal systems.

The event took place in the main hall of the Goethe Institute in Athens and was moderated by the Head of the Legal and Consular Section of the German Embassy, Mr. Hans-Günter Löffler.
Mr. Löffler also informed the group about the tasks of the German Foreign Office and the Embassy, representatives of the Goethe Institute and the DAAD presented the work of their institutions, and historian Dr. Valentin Schneider explained the history of Greece during the Second World War under German occupation.

As a German-Greek law firm, it is particularly important for us to give German trainee lawyers an insight into the professional profile of a German-Greek lawyer. For this reason, we are always pleased when German or Austrian trainees complete their elective or legal internship in our Athens office.